Is 7th January really Divorce Day? — Blackpool Solicitors | Lawyers Blackpool | Conveyancing | Divorce | Probate | Litigation

While most of us go back to work, start diets and make resolutions we can’t keep, many couples will also be calling time on their marriages in January.

The first Monday back at work after the holiday period has been named “Divorce Day” - the day of the year where people make the most enquires about divorce.

Sharon Emslie, Family Law specialist at Blackhurst Budd Solicitors said: “Enquiries during January can be double the amount we would usually expect, though not all of these will be new clients. Often people I have seen earlier in the year have waited, for one reason or another, until the New Year before they decide to proceed.

“Some clients have made appointments in advance, but for many Christmas is a ‘make or break’ time, which sadly doesn’t always live up to their expectations and provokes them to analyse their current relationship.”

Financial strain and money worries are frequently factors in marriage breakdown and Government increases to court fees have increased the cost of divorce.

“As a firm we have adapted to help our clients and now offer a number of fixed fee services including a divorce fixed fee. This gives clients some certainty over costs and the ability to budget more accurately” continued Sharon.
